
BoxCreators is the company that makes it possible for everyone to Co-create their own mobile kitchen together with a group of professionalsOur design is founded in your dreams and thoughts about a mobile kitchen as the design is based in the whole process from what type of food you wish to make to how your daily rhythm flows.

The BoxCreators team

BoxCreators will provide you with professional guidance from an inspiring and dedicated team of craftsmen as The BoxCreators team members all have personal interest and experience with developing and creating shipping containers into useful and sustainable businesses.
Our skilled team is also more than happy to help you create and build the right atmosphere and surroundings for your new BoxCreator mobile kitchen

All units are within Danish standards and regulations

BoxCreators offer a package deal that holds the standard frames for a mobile kitchen. The kitchens we offer are within the standards and regulations, which are required according to the high expectations of the Danish law about handling food. The BoxCreators team has an eye for making it easy to keep a high level of maintenance and we make it as easy as possible for the kitchen owner to keep doing what they are best at - making great food!

BoxCreators mobile kitchens are very adaptable

Life changes, and it does for all of us! Who knows what will happen in five or even two years from now? The basic BoxCreators frames are made very adaptable in the way we build it. That makes it easy to shift out kitchen components, so if you decide to shift course and follow a new idea, the opportunity is always there.
BoxCreators even makes it easy for you to sell your kitchen container to someone else since it is easy to “re-build” it into another purpose. This makes your investment in a BoxCreators kitchen an asset that is easy to convert into cash again if that should become relevant someday. It is also possible to lease a BoxCreators-unit. Read more about our finance-deals here.


From Idea to Delivery


Design and Atmosphere

From Graffiti to Marble



The Box Creators Team
